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Tax Times Newsletter Disclaimer

This Newsletter is being provided to you solely for your personal information. It is not intended for distribution to the press or any other media and may not be reproduced or redistributed by mail, facsimile, electronic or computer transmission or by any other means to any other person or body without the express written permission of PayStream Accounting Services Ltd.

This Newsletter is not a substitute for specific legal, accounting or other professional advice or opinions on related matters and issues that arise and should not be taken as providing specific advice on any of the topics covered.

The information contained in these articles is based on our understanding and interpretation of relevant facts and circumstances known to us at the time of publication. Readers should be aware that tax legislation and the views of HMRC on matters of the interpretation of tax law are subject to change.

The information contained herein has been prepared by using sources believed to be reliable. Whilst reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the facts stated herein are accurate, no representation or warranty, express or implied is made by PayStream Accounting Services Ltd, with respect to completeness, correctness, reasonableness or accuracy of any information and opinions contained herein.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, liability for any negligent or innocent statement or misstatement in respect of the contents of, or any omission from this document are hereby expressly excluded. PayStream Accounting Services Ltd has no obligation or liability whatsoever with respect to the information provided or any action or inaction of PayStream Accounting Services Ltd or the recipient with respect to such information.

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