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5 ways to better your mental wellbeing

Alex Bentley

Alex Bentley | Marketing Assistant

Monday 10th Oct, 2022

World Mental Health Day is an international awareness day celebrated every year on October 10th. Its goal is to educate the importance of maintaining your mental health and ending the social stigma that’s attached to it. If you’ve ever struggled to maintain a positive mental attitude, it’s always beneficial to consider what the root cause is and find ways to improve your outlook. In recognition of this, PayStream’s very own mental health team has pulled together 5 of the best things you can do to improve your mental wellbeing.


  1. Connect with others

    When it comes to mental health, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Good relationships with family, friends and the wider community are essential to help you maintain a positive mental attitude. Speaking to a friend can be incredibly reassuring, and is a great way to distract an overactive mind.

    Idea: Meet a friend for coffee, talk to family/friends who you trust, cuddle a pet, ask for help and support from others, a problem shared is a problem halved!

  2. Get Active

    Exercise in general not only benefits your physical health, but it's proven to do wonders for your brain too. When we say exercise, it doesn't mean you have to go out and start running marathons, a short walk is a great way to start. Find physical activities that you enjoy and want to do on a day to day basis or after work with a colleague. 

    Idea: Do Yoga/Pilates, play football, go for a brisk walk, swim, deep breathing exercise.
  3. Keep Learning

    Learning new skills can be useful but also positively affect your mental wellbeing. There’s a sense of pride and purpose that comes with learning any new skill, it could be as simple as learning how to cook a new recipe to learning how to speak another language.

    Idea: Solve crosswords, read a new book, learn to bake/sew/crotchet.    

  4. Charity Activities

    Acts of kindness, no matter how small can give you a feeling of purpose and self-worth, not to mention the connections you make with people along the way. There are also many events you can get involved with that don’t require financial donation, why not volunteer to help tidy up your local park? Or do a litter pick with residents on your Street. Giving your time or just showing someone you care with a little gesture is a great way to improve your mood. 

    Idea: Volunteer at a local community club/soup kitchen, pay it forward, offer to walk a friend/neighbour’s dog

  5. Be aware

    Pay attention to the world around you. Listen to what your own body and feelings are telling you. Once you start following your own compass it opens the door to being happy and feeling good about yourself.

    Idea: Time for yourself-have a nice long shower/hot bubble bath, Meditation, listen to your favourite music, get out rain or shine.

If you are looking for more support with your own mental health, don’t hesitate seek the advice and support of your GP. Remember, if you feel like you need help and don’t know who to go to, there are plenty of resources at your disposal that we encourage you to explore.

The Samaritans are a great charity to get in touch with, offering emotional support 24 hours a day in full confidence. You can call 116 123 for free if you need someone to talk to, or email: and you’ll receive a response within a day.

For more urgent support, Rethink are able to offer guidance if you are experiencing a personal crisis and feel unable to cope. Simply text Shout to 85258.



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Olivia originally joined PayStream’s Compliance Team back in January 2021. Since then, she’s taken on a new role within our HR department, focusing on both employee wellbeing and recruitment. We wanted to find out a little more about Olivia and her PayStream journey.

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